Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Paul Strand; sunset in Naiambia 2005
Shutter speed; no fast movements being caught so a low shutter speed such as 1/30 i think is being used
Aperture; 4.6 there is a main point of focus (tress) all around and mainly behind is out of focus!
ISO; 800 some noise is present

Cindy Sherman; lost in new york
Shutter speed; 1s no obvious movements are being captured therefore the photographer doesnt need to use a fast SS
Aperture;2.8 there is one clear point of focus and everything behind that begins to blur
ISO; 800 there is apparent noise in the bottom left hand corner

Man ray; 2007
Shutter speed; 1/250, i feel i fast shutter speed would needed to be used as the model wouldnt be able to hold that pose to strong after so long her arm would begin to shake with pressure!Aperture; 4.6 the image is clear and crisp
ISO; 200 no noise is present

Robert Frank
America 50 years ago.
Shutter speed; 1s i feel that the movement was not captured in the photo very well hence the blury figures
Aperture; 6.4 this si becuase there is one main point of focus and the forground and background are both out of focus
ISO;800 there is some noise in this photo around the people

Diane Arbus.. Untitled.. 1970-1

Shutter speed; 1/100 there is plenty of light available in this image and the image movement in perfecrtly cartured
Aperture;5.6 the images in the background are slightly out of focus
ISO; 200 this is becuase there is no evident noise in the image

Mood movement shots

Pride.. support.. cheering!! happiness!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Camera Guide

I am at a soccer game its 3.30pm and cloudy. I decided to take a picture,
  • firstly i put the camera strap around my neck, and turned my camera on.
  • I then looked through the viewfinder and then adjusted the Diopter to suite my individual needs. (The image must be in focus)
  • I then had to adjust my shutter speed to 1/1oos so i would be able to get a clear crisp image of my subject in motion. To adjust my SS i had to hold down on the shutter release button and turn the sub command dial until i had the correct SS.
  • I then had to adjust my aperture speed i decided to choose 5.6 because the exposure outside was good. To adjust my aperture i had to turn to main command dial until the correct aperture setting appeared.
  • I used 200 ISO because i had access to enough light whilst taking the photo as i was outside and it was during the day.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Post 2

Written on the DVD box, under the title - My Kid Could Paint That - is this question: “American dream or art world scheme?” Why do you think the film does not answer this question for us?

I feel this question is not clearly answered by the film, however Marlas art career experiences both these factors for example;
American dream; 4 year old girl who already has had her art collected and admired world wide and made $33,000.
Art World Scheme; Did Marla really paint this pictures? 4 year prodigy sells paintings faster than a 24 year old at the same level.

The film is open enough to allow us as viewers to draw are own conclusion on that statement. If i watched the film and thought that Marla was forced into this, or that it is ruining her childhood as she is put in spotlight and has a had her family rediculed publically, i might say this was a horrible world art scheme that shouldnt have happened.
However if i looked at this documentary from the American Dream point of view, i would say this girl at 4 years old is already an superstar from the modern art world who will continue to be a success.
I feel that its not how the director intended the documentary to be, i feel he set out to almost answer this question, however the cycle of events that Marlas storied followed ment this question was unanswerable and you as an individual would have to draw your won conclusions.

My kid could paint that

Choice C. Comment on the the driving scene, narrated by the director. It starts with: “this documentary has become something different” Why do you think he decided to put himself in the video? What do you think he means when he says this: “I’d rather be stupid and not know about this kind of stuff.” In your opinion, is My Kid Could Paint That a typical documentary?

My Kid Coyld Paint That in my opinion is not the style of documentary the director intented, it starts of following the traditional documentary pattern where the director barely gets involved and it is literally just the family in focus, however when Marla's parents are said to have helped or in fact painted the pictures for her, thats when the documentary changes; firstly for the family as theyt attempt to use the documentary to clear the accusations made agaisnt them and secondly for the director who begins to doubt Marlas talent himself and makes this apparent to the views.

''I'd rather be stupid and not know about this kind of stuff.'' is were the director indicates he is doubting Marlas talent and in doing so also makes us doubt her aswell. This statement has a very powerfull affect on us as we would automaticaly assume that he would be sure this is infact not true, but by doubting he gets are focus again and therefore we continue with the document. I feel this was a technique used to keep are attention as viewers and further he sucess, because he continues to doubt even after Marlas work was recorded from start to finish and everyone else had accepted that she had infact done the work.

Sunday, October 4, 2009