Sunday, January 10, 2010

Photo Proposal

Photo Proposal;
The Emulation project allowed me as a photographer to research a range of topics, for example fashion and nature. When researching for the previous posts I came across top fashion photographers, Paolo Roversi and David LaChapelle, both of the photographers work appealed to me for different reasons but mainly because I have interest in the area of work, as a loyal vogue reader and as a shopaholic naturally the fashion topic would be what I would base my project on. LaChapelle’s work stood out the most because it was colourful, bright and all his work was extremely original. However when it comes to me shooting the piece for the project I don’t think I have access to enough props, people, and experience to attempt to meet his standards. So when that was the case I researched some more and came across Roversi, his work appealed to me for a completely different reason, he did mainly portraits and seemed to show a real, natural beauty in mainly black and white. Basing my emulation project on his work will be a challenge for me as a photographer as well which I think is an additional reason to use his work for example; I will have to attempt to capture a simple natural beauty; I will need a model who ‘fits’ this image this means having a particular feature that stands out in a close up portrait. The example I gave of Roversi’s work was a close of up a girls face and her eyes where the focus point of the image. I will also have to learn how to change colour images into black and white, and create the perfect balances to insure the features don’t just blend in with the background.
Roversi’s work traditionally film images this may also make a difference as I will be shooting with digital however I am sure with practice I can make this method work for me.

Presentation feedback;
The use of a male model will be a challenge as trying to make them look natural sexy/ beautiful is almost harder for example; a males eyes aren't as seductive as a female can be. the use of males however was a liked factor of my proposal and i should attempt to use this idea.

1 comment:

  1. This is a strong proposal Hayley. I'm interested by your assertion that: "male eyes aren't as seductive as a female eyes." I wonder if you and I come to this conclusion because we are less accustomed to looking at men in that way in advertising and in television and movies? What do you think?
